About me.

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The Ash Fam

Here we are in August of 2019 at our family camp out.

I enjoy life. All of it, the highs and the lows and all the smooth coasting spots in between. I believe that one’s inner peace and outer countenance are deeply impacted by how we react to what life throws at us. I know from my experiences that sometimes looking at things from a positive and yet introspective vantage point helps me make better sense of the unanswerable whys in life. That’s me.

Let me rephrase. That’s me, in my own little world. That’s me, typing what I truly believe and feel in my heart and even practice on a regular basis. It’s what you will see glimpses of in this blog. Where things get cloudy and messy and misdirected for me is when I add other people who are at differing places in their lives who also have varying personalities and outlooks. Dollop in a little daily busyness, some distractions and an innate ability to spill, trip and basically mess things up a bit and THAT is me.

I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, cousin, friend. I have been married to my husband, Chris for THIRTY years!!! We are proud parents of now 18 year old twins, Rachel and Connor. We have three pets, Penny and Lady who are both pups and Millie, the kit. I am the youngest of a family of 7 children. I have been at my job for 33 years!!

Over the course of the years, I have grown and matured and yet still have so much progress to make. I have met A LOT of people over these years. Many are people I worked with that became friends and others are family members that are also friends. Some are people I met just living life and carrying out daily activities. I believe that every relationship and person in my life, whether they came and went or are still in it, were placed there for a reason. Some of my biggest struggles and eventual growth opportunities have come after someone left my life when I wasn’t ready for it. I eventually realized that I can’t change or control the comings and goings of others. Sometimes they can’t change or control this, either. My goal is to take the best opportunity I can to enjoy and nurture the relationships with those who I am with now and learn from those who were there before.

This blog will have content that touches my heart and soul or just makes me laugh. I hope it does the same for you!

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